WeLCuM 2...

WeLCuM 2...
The (In)Complete Gay Man's Guide on How 2 Succeed in West Hollywood Without Really Trying!

Friday, December 7, 2007

(uHHH?)MuSiNG MuSiNG ~ blackout MiCHaeL!

As I drug my post-drunk ass into work this morning, there was only one thing on my messy mind: How tragic was I at the company Xmas party last night?

The answer to this queer's query? I cannot tell you, for I remember nothing after 8 PM.

All I know is that 11 people (and counting) have said something in the vain of "With those dance moves, you'd make an amazing stripper!" to me.

Oh, and the company CEO said to me: "Don't worry... That red wine came out of my shirt, no problem."

..........Do I still have a job?

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